
Team Bright Star-Ch21-Not Enough Time

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Part 2: Ripples In Time
Not Enough Time


     The next morning, Officer Magnezone was at morning announcements.

     “ZZZT! We have Mesprit under protection! Her safety is assured! ZZZT! The Pokémon’s Federation has dedicated all resources to the capture of Grovyle! ZZZT! If you have any information related to this case, please let us know! ZZZT! That is all. Now, please excuse us. ZZZT!” Magnezone and the two Magnemite who were with it floated up the ladder.

     “My my!” Chatot was surprised. “So there was a lake underneath the Northern Desert! And furthermore, there was a Time Gear!”

     “But it got stolen...” Despite the night’s sleep, Riley still felt slightly depressed about their defeat. “We couldn’t even slow down Tiempo.”

     “Golly! That’s not true! You all did a good job!” Bidoof gave Riley, Anna, and Justin admiring looks.

     “Oh my gosh! I think so too! Team Bright Star can be proud!”

     “Excuse me, did you say Timpo?” Chatot looked interested.

     “Tiempo is what he called himself.” Anna realized something. “Tiempo means time, in Spanish.”

     “It’s most interesting as to why he goes by the name Timpo.” Chatot butchered the Spanish.

     “Teh-eem-po.” Anna corrected him under her breath.

     “Hey hey, it’s too bad that we have no clue what to do next!” Corphish fidgeted nervously.

     “I agree.” Dugtrio mused. “If we even had the tiniest hint...”

     “Maybe we do.” The guild’s attention went to Dusknoir.

     “Dusknoir, sir?”

     “Uxie guarded a Time Gear at Fogbound Lake, while Mesprit guarded a Time Gear at the Underground Lake.” Dusknoir began to tick off his fingers. “And there is an ancient legend that says that Uxie is the Being of Knowledge and Mesprit is the Being of Emotion. But there are three representations in the spiritual world.”

     “So there’s another Pokémon like Mesprit and Uxie?” Justin asked.

     “Yes. The last of the trio is Azelf, the Being of Willpower.”

     “Wait! So if we FIND Azelf, we FIND a Time Gear!” Loudred had a realization.

     “And we might catch Grovyle! Oh my gosh!”

     “It’s also said that all three are said to dwell at lakes. And we know that both Uxie and Mesprit were located at lakes. So Azelf must certainly be found in a lake.”

     “My, my, my!” Chatot sang. “I commend your wisdom, Dusknoir sir!”

     “And something else to keep in mind is that Uxie’s lake was located on a high plateau. Mesprit’s lake was hidden beneath a desert. Both lakes were in unusual places, so in order to locate Azelf’s lake-”

     “We need to LOOK for WATER in UNUSUAL PLACES-!” Sunflora slapped a leaf over his mouth.

     “Be quiet!”

     “I feel renewed admiration for you!” Chatot hummed.

     “Hey, hey!! So maybe the other places we checked have Time Gears too!”

     “Perhaps we should check them again.” Dugtrio suggested.

     “If I may humbly propose,” Dusknoir spoke before Chatot could, “that Anna, Riley, Dugtrio, and Corphish be assigned to the Eastern Forest. a problematic dungeon with many strong Pokémon, and these four are best suited to this challenge.”

     “I see...” Chatot nodded.

     “Hey, what about me?” Justin waved a paw in the air.

     “You will go with Sunflora, Bidoof, and Loudred to Crystal Cave.” Chatot said stiffly.

     “That sucks.”

     “Both groups should leave immediately.” Chatot addressed the guild, ignoring Justin’s comment. “Especially the first. The Eastern Forest is a long ways away, even further than Treeshroud Forest.”

     “Very well.” Dugtrio nodded. “We will.”

     “You’ll be fine.” Anna turned to Justin as the guild began to break into their groups. “Just do what you did in the Northern Desert.”

     “Are you sure?”

     “You’ll be fine.” Riley steered Anna toward where Dugtrio and Corphish were waiting. “We’ll see you later.”


     After two-and-a-half hours of trekking, the group of Dugtrio, Corphish, Anna, and Riley arrived at the entrance to the Eastern Forest. Since Dugtrio had been there before, he took command.

     “The Eastern Forest is full of strong Pokémon, so we need to be careful. Riley? Anna?”



     “You two can lead, since your moves are most effective. The dungeon is mostly full of grass and bug type Pokémon.”

     “Okay.” The group started in. Immediately, huge trees sprung up around them, forming a canopy high above.

     “Bonita...” Anna whispered, transfixed by the beams of light streaming through the trees, the soft whispering of the wind, the scent of the plants, and the feeling of moss under her paws. “So beautiful...”

     “It is, isn’t it?” Riley had a small smile on his face. “It reminds me of...” He drifted off into his own thoughts, and gave a small sigh before shaking his head.

     “What?” She asked softly.

     “Don’t worry about it. We need to stay on-guard.”


     “Of course you two like this place.” Corphish looked around nervously. “This place seems like trouble, hey hey.”

     “Incoming.” Dugtrio said, then vanished, digging into the ground. Corphish, Anna, and Riley looked over and spotted a Flygon souring through the trees toward them. Anna tilted her head. Something about the way it was zeroing in on them...and the way it flew...

     “SSSKKIIIII!!!” It screeched, making Anna’s eyes go wide. The landscape had changed. Instead of being filled with lush trees, stony grey cliffs rose around her.

     ‘Move!’ A voice yelled somewhere to her right as the Flygon shot toward her.

     “Hey!” Anna fell through, startling her. The landscape vanished and she found herself underground.

     “What the-?” Dugtrio was digging, and she spat out a mouthful of dirt. “Dugtrio!”

     “You weren’t moving.” He explained. “I got you out.”

     “...” What just happened? The landscape changed, and I heard a voice...

     “Are you coming?” Dugtrio gave her a probing look.

     “Corphish? Riley!”

     “Above us. Come on.” Anna scrambled up the tunnel Dugtrio had pulled her through, and spotted the Flygon sprawled out on the ground, with Riley and Corphish standing unharmed nearby.

     “Hey, hey! Focus!” Corphish called out. Riley looked over and smiled when he saw she wasn’t hurt. Anna swallowed.

     “Yes. I will. Lo siento.”


     Twenty floors later, the group emerged in a sunny clearing. The sun had shifting in position, indicating it was about three in the afternoon.

     “There’s nothing around here that looks like a Time Gear.” Dugtrio looked at Anna, Riley, and Corphish. “Do you three see anything?”

     “Hey, hey. Not a single thing.” Corphish announced after looking around. Riley shut his eyes.

     “I don’t...sense anything unnatural.”

     Anna rubbed her paw against the moss on a tree. The clearing had small hills rising in all directions, and boulders were scattered everywhere, interfering with her surveying. Hmm...maybe a different view... She started up one of the hills.

     “Hey, hey, where are you going?” Corphish called when she was about halfway. Anna didn’t answer him, instead she kept climbing. When she reached the top, she turned, and surveyed the clearing. It provided a whole different angle, and she noticed one of the bushes had a darker shadow than the others.

     “There.” She pointed, and the boys followed her gaze. Riley shut his eyes, and his aura bands vibrated.

     “There’s something there, I think.” Anna scampered down the hill, and joined the group as they approached the bush. It was set against a small cliff, and when Riley pushed away the branches, a gaping hole was revealed.

     “Incredible.” Dugtrio stared into the darkness. “I didn’t notice this the last time we were here.”

     “Hey, hey, how far down do you think it goes?” Riley stuck his head in.

     “A foot or two down, and then it goes on for...” He paused for a moment. “Wow. It goes on for at least a quarter of a mile, and then there are all these caves.”

     “Do you think we should explore? There might be a Time Gear.”

     “Let’s.” Dugtrio started in, with Corphish and Anna behind him, and Riley bringing up the rear.

     “Good job.” Riley told Anna.

     “Gracias.” They traveled in silence after that, eyes searching for Pokémon that might attack them, and peering into off-shooting tunnels. Most of them ended after ten or so feet with a dead-end or larger cave, but a few tunneled off for no more than fifty yards. There were also no Pokémon that appeared. A half-hour later, Riley held up a paw.

     “Wait.” The group stopped, and looked at him. He took a step forward, and shut his eyes, the appendages on his head rising slightly. He tilted his head and stared down the tunnel. “Dugtrio? Could you go up and look around? To pinpoint our location?”

     “Of course.” The Mole Pokémon obliged, and returned a minute later. “I believe we’re bordering on Treeshroud Forest.”

     “I thought so.” Riley nodded. “Something felt different. I don’t think we should proceed any further. We risk going too far and getting frozen in time.”

     “Hey, hey?!”


     “It’s true.” Anna nodded to Corphish and Dugtrio. “Riley’s right. We should head back. It’s not safe, and if it goes toward Treeshroud Forest, it must not hide a Time Gear.”

     “Well, when you say it like that...”

     “Hey, hey. You’ve got a point.”

     “If we didn’t know, we could’ve walked right into the frozen time.” Anna looked at Riley, and gave him a smile. “Your aura skills are useful. That’s what it was, no?”

     “...Not really.” He turned away so she couldn’t see his eyes. “Let’s head back.”


     “So you discovered a cave at the heart of the Eastern Forest?” Chatot questioned after Dugtrio had given the report. “And furthermore, it travels underground toward Treeshroud Forest, but you don’t know the extent of how far it goes? And you called off the search due to fear of being frozen in time?”

     “It was Riley’s call.” Dugtrio corrected. “He’s the one who realized where we were heading. And Anna is the one who located the cave.”

     “Hey, hey! Once again, Team Bright Star did a job well done!”

     “I take it you unaware of the cave’s presence before sending the group to search for a Time Gear?” Dusknoir asked.

     “Correct, Dusknoir sir.” Chatot shook his head. “This is a new discovery for all of us.”

     “I see...” Dusknoir thoughtfully looked away. “And has Sunflora’s group returned?”

     “Not yet. They are due to return soon though.”

     “Hmmm...” Dusknoir stared out the window.

     “Perhaps we will get a hint when they arrive.” Chatot looked at the quartet of Anna, Riley, Corphish, and Dugtrio. “You are dismissed.”

     “Dinner will be ready in five minutes!” Chimecho sang from the mess hall.

     “Hey, hey! We get first shots!” Corphish grinned, and scuttled toward the dining room. Diglett popped up behind his father and the two followed Corphish, leaving Anna and Riley alone.

     “Phew.” Riley plopped down on the ground. “I’m worn out.”

     “Me too.” Anna lay down and scratched her ear. “I hope Justin’s doing okay.” Riley sighed.

     “OUT!” The two looked up and saw Corphish scurrying from the mess hall as fast as he could, Dugtrio and Diglett right behind him.

     “Meh-heh-heh.” Croagunk chuckled from where he was sitting next to his cauldron. “Serves you right. First shots belong to me.”

     “Hey, hey! No way!” Corphish rolled his eyes.

     “Meh-heh. Believe it.”

     Anna was giggling. “Corphish shouldn’t argue about that.”

     “And why’s that?” Riley’s eyes were drifting closed.

     “Because it’s true.”

     “Why’s that?” He asked drowsily.

     “They started dating two days ago.” His eyes shot open.

     “WHAT?!” Everyone looked over at him, but he was staring at Anna.

     “Chimecho?” Sunflora’s voice came down from the ladder.

     “Yes?” Chimecho came out of the dining hall, watching Corphish carefully.

     “We need your medical skills.” Everyone’s attention turned from Riley as Sunflora and Bidoof came down the ladder, with Loudred following, bearing a familiar Pokémon on his back.

     “Justin!” Anna leapt to her feet.

     “Oh dear. Can you please guard the dining hall?” Chimecho asked Croagunk.

     “Meh-heh. Of course.” He slid off the rock and leaned against the post next to the mess hall. Chimecho gave him a dazzling smile, and followed as Loudred carried Justin toward the crew rooms.

     “Hey, hey! Come on!” Corphish was protesting when he tried to get around Croagunk. “Just one bite?”

     “So what happened?” Chimecho asked as Loudred plopped Justin onto his bed.

     “Hmph. Crystal Cave was a BIT MUCH for the TWERP.”

     “Oh my gosh! Loudred, he fainted seven times, and you say it was a bit much for him?!”

     “Urk.” He swallowed nervously and backed away from the angry Sunflora.

     “You’ll be fine.” Chimecho announced. “A day or two resting, and you’ll be as good as new.”

     “‘k.” He mumbled wearily.

     “I’ll have someone bring some food, okay?” She smiled. He nodded. Chimecho turned around. “Oh dear.” Corphish was on the floor halfway into the mess hall, twitching as he turned an unhealthy purple color. Croagunk was giving him a look that said ‘I told you so.’ Chimecho went off before the poisoning could get any worse, and Loudred backed away quickly from Sunflora, who was still steaming.

     “...Anna.” The Vulpix looked down at her teammate. “Sorry for letting you down.”

     “It’s okay. You probably did your best.” He was depressed.

     “I’m so weak. MY best wasn’t enough.”

     “Get some sleep.” Anna pulled his blanket over him. “Tomorrow will be different. Promise.”

     “Dinner’s ready!” Chimecho rang the bell on her tail.

     “Come on.” Riley said, looking out into the main room. “Let’s go get dinner. There’s no point in worrying about it.”

     “I’ll be okay.” Justin nodded. Anna was still worried, but she followed a silent Riley to dinner.


     “Ahem!” Chatot flapped his wings for attention before anyone could leave the mess hall after dinner. “I wish to announce that the great Dusknoir has requested to remain with us until the thief Timpo is brought to justice!” There was a worn-out murmur of excitement.

     “Golly! What an honor...!”

     “Hey, hey...! We’re honored!” Corphish seemed to have recovered from his earlier poisoning.

     “I hope it is not a problem.”

     “SQWUAK! It is no trouble at all!!” A few feathers floated to the ground. “The rest of you, proceed to bed immediately. It is late, and tomorrow will come early! That is all.” There came a round of tired agreements from the members of the guild, and they tromped off to their rooms.

     “Anna?” Riley looked over at his partner, and saw that she was asleep, using the table as a makeshift pillow. He smiled, and shook his head. She’s been wearing herself out lately. She needs to rest. A pair of arms appeared out of the air, and gently picked her up.

     “Dusknoir!” He said, surprised, but the ghost-type put a finger to his face in a gesture that had to mean “ssh!” He then carried Anna out of the dining room toward the crew rooms.

     “Eh?” Anna mumbled sleepily, stirring. “I can get up.” She struggled to move.

     “Are you sure?” Dusknoir halted. She blinked, seeming to rouse herself, and she didn’t collapse when he placed her on the ground.

     “Gracias.” She said sleepily.

     “Sleep well.” He turned and returned toward the mess hall. Anna turned to Riley, who was standing silently beside her. “Both of you, sleep well.”

     “Wha?” She asked.

     “Nothing.” He turned away. Life can be so unfair.

     “Bed.” Anna yawned.

     “Alright.” The two of them traveled down the hallway, but something caught Anna’s eye. It was a blue crystal the size of her paw. Huh. It looks like Bidoof’s... She picked it up, and weighed it in her paw. The surface was cool to her touch, but a small wave of heat traveled up her leg, twisting in her heart. This feeling... She sighed.

     “Golly! There it is!” Bidoof came out of his room, relief painted on his face. “I was scared I’d lost it!”

     “Oh...Here...” Anna placed it in his paw, even though when she lost contact of it, the heat died away. Coldness gripped her heart.

     “Thanks! Yessiree, if I’d lost it...!” He yawned. “Oh well, sorry to bother you folks. Sleep tight.” He turned around and went back into his room. The two of them silently proceeded to their room. Justin was fast asleep, snoring softly.

     “Are you okay?” Riley asked softly as Anna removed her star, bag, and scarf, and placed them in a pile next to her bed. “Your aura isn’t normal.”

     “No.” She replied in a whisper. “I feel that we let Uxie and Mesprit down. We couldn’t protect the Time Gear, and we let Tiempo get away. And I’m so scared. The darkness...what’ll happen? The Time Mark...this is all too much for me.”

     Anna... Riley watched her sadly, then drew her into a hug. She blinked, then felt the blood rushing to her face. “It’ll be okay.” He whispered softly. “We’ll get through it together. As a team. We need to do our best.”

     “...” Anna felt moisture gathering in her eyes. “Thanks Riley. Muchos gracias. Thank much.”

     “Don’t cry.” She managed a small smile and wiped the tears away. “Let’s get some sleep. We need to rest, so tomorrow can be a good day.”

     “Yes...” She managed a smile, but her heart was still in turmoil.


     I was standing at Fogbound Lake, but something was different. I seemed to be closer to the ground than before. It was like I had shrunk. Uxie was floating toward the edge of the lake, and after a moment, I followed. But it was like I was being forced to move. And something felt strange, because I was walking on four legs instead of two.

     ‘I have been asked not to keep you long, so I shall not.’ Uxie spoke, breaking the silence. ‘However, I wish to talk with you about the Time Mark.’

     ‘That’s what it’s called?’ A familiar, female voice came out of my mouth. I looked down, and was shocked to see a Vulpix’s paw attached to my body, with the symbol of a Time Gear glowing on the pad.

     [Is this Anna’s body?! Her memory?! What’s going on?!]

     ‘Indeed.’ Uxie stared out across the lake. ‘Anna, you claim to have no memory of your past, and I believe you. I may only be able to remove memories of Fogbound Lake, but I can see the memories of Pokémon in my proximity. Your memories began seventy-two days ago, on a beach near Treasure Town.’

     [That’s when I found her...]

     ‘Sì.’ Yes. I said, the language of Spanish flowing from my mouth, and I was shocked that I could understand it. I wish he would stay out of my mind... Anna’s voice echoed in my head, and I realized I was hearing her thoughts.

     ‘However, I cannot understand how you could have transformed into a Pokémon, nor how you could have come to obtain the Time Mark.’

     ‘Oh.’ Was all that Anna, I, said.

     ‘And your partner, he does not approval of your belief that you were human.’

     ‘Verdad...’ True. Anna sighed, and I could tell she hated the turn of topics. ‘He doesn’ the idea of humans.’ And then she asked, ‘ you know why?’

     [No! Don’t say why! Don’t say why!] But I couldn’t do anything to stop what might happen.

     ‘It is not my right to speak of why.’ Uxie said simply. ‘They are his memories, not mine.’ [Thanks...]

     A flash of guilt in my guts. ‘Lo siento.’ I’m sorry. Anna apologized. ‘You’re right. I shouldn’t be nosy.’ After all, there must be a reason why Riley doesn’t want me to know, she thought.

     ‘Also, I cannot read you mind.’ What? Her thoughts were shocked and confused. ‘As a Physical Pokémon, I have the ability of telepathy. But your mind is sealed off to me completely. Except for your memories, I cannot access your mind.’

     ‘Why? Why-I mean, I like my thoughts being my own, but-’

     ‘And that is perfectly understandable.’ Uxie held up a paw, stopping her stuttering. ‘I am simply stating a fact.’

     ‘Oh, sorry.’ She felt the need to ask for forgiveness, and I would have smiled at that.

     ‘No need to apologize. One final thing.’ The tone of Uxie’s voice captured Anna’s attention. He turned to look down at Anna.

     ‘The Time Mark is associated with Time Gears for obvious reasons. Time Gears are known as objects of light, so likewise, the Time Mark is associated with light. However, there is a powerful force that has been growing over the last two months. With each Time Gear theft, this darkness grows stronger.’ ‘Remember, with good, there must be a balance with the darkness.’

     ‘What does that mean?’ Anna was confused, but afraid at the same time. The thought of darkness scared her.

     ‘There are great powers in this world, but power can corrupt. You must follow your heart, and trust it to guide you. Also...what do you believe would happen if the balance was disrupted?’

     ‘...’ What would happen? I feel like I know the answer to that, but I can’t remember. And what darkness is he talking about? I don’t know...

     The landscape faded into black. Then a blast of pale green-blue light flashed across my vision, accompanied by a shrill scream. [What the heck is going on?!] A place that looked like the one at the Underground Lake emerged from the darkness. A lake stretched out in a cavern, but instead of sandstone, crystals covered the floor and walls.

     ‘Urg...ugh...’ A Pokémon that resembled Uxie and Mesprit was collapsed on the floor, but his headpiece was blue.

     ‘Now I’m going to take it...the Time Gear!’ A blue-traited Grovyle approached the lake. [Tiempo Grovyle!]

     ‘No...’ the blue Pokemon groaned weakly, ‘you can’t...don’t...’

     Another blast of green-blue light, and the landscape was replaced by a darkness that absorbed everything.

     ‘You will all FAIL!’ A malevolent voice hissed, and a pair of blue eyes advanced toward me.


     Riley’s eyes snapped open, and he jolted up. His whole body was covered in sweat, and his breath was ragged. Just a dream. He told himself, resting his face in his paws. Just a dream...

     “ur!” A whimper came from next to him. Anna was twitching in her sleep, paws curling and ears flicking. She whimpered as her body curled in on itself, and small fires began to break out around her.

     “Anna!” Riley shook her, but she didn’t wake up. Instead, she shuddered violently and her tails began to glow. “ANNA!” There was a gasp and her eyes flew open.

     “Riley!” She inhaled sharply, sweat breaking out across her forehead. He took a calming breath, and began to stamp out the small fires around them. Surprisingly, Justin was still passed out. “I-Wha-A...A dream...”

     “What happened?” He knelt next to her, worried.

     “I...” She couldn’t find her breath, and she shivered.

     “Take it easy.”

     She shut her eyes, breathing slowly returning to normal. “I...was at Fogbound Lake, talking to Uxie.” Riley mutely nodded. “ was like a Dimensional Scream, but different. I saw a lake with crystals, and a Pokémon...that looked like Uxie and Mesprit. And Tiem...Tiempo Grovyle,” her eyes widened, “he tried to take the Time Gear. But then a Pokémon attacked me. They...were trying to kill me...”

     That’s what my dream was! Could I have had the same dream she did? Or was it something else...?

     “Riley,” he looked up at her, “what if my dream is a warning? What if it’s my Time Mark warning me about a Time Gear theft. Y si,” she drew in a sharp breath, “THERE IS a Time Gear at Crystal Cave? But it hasn’t been found. The lake...there were crystals. And the Pokémon...what if that was Azelf?”

     Riley’s mind was whirling. “We need to find Wigglytuff. Or Dusknoir. Or Chatot. Now.”


     “So you’re saying you had a dream that showed Timpo attacking a Pokémon that resembled Uxie and Mesprit?” Chatot stared at Anna, who flinched slightly.

     “Yah.” Riley nodded, since Anna didn’t look like she’d respond. The whole guild was in attendance, watching carefully. “It had to be Tiempo; it was a blue-traited Grovyle. And the other Pokémon looked like Mesprit and Uxie, but it wasn’t, so it has to be Azelf.”

     “Possibly.” Dusknoir nodded.

     “And the place...there were crystals everywhere. That can only mean it was at Crystal Cave!”

     “Hey, hey! But Crystal Cave got searched twice!” Corphish pointed out. “And nothing was found.”

     “Maybe we missed something.” Riley argued. “Anna, Justin, and I missed the entrance to the Underground Lake the first time we were there. And that cave in the Eastern Forest was found the second time through, so if we just go-”

     “It’s the middle of the night!!” Chatot shouted. “Return to bed! I allowed this meeting solely because I thought it was of some importance! But your opinion is based on A DREAM!” Both Anna and Riley flinched. “There is absolutely no logic in this! We are all tired! We will investigate this in the morning!”

     “Even the Guildmaster has fallen asleep.” Chimecho whispered, and everyone looked over. Wigglytuff was standing behind Chatot, sleeping with his eyes open. “How long has he been sleeping?”

     “Zzzz...snork...” Chatot had heard Chimecho, and panicked when he saw it was true.

     “SQWUAK! Guildmaster!!”

     “Let’s just go back to bed.” Diglett yawned.

     “But we may be too late!”

     “Huh?” Wigglytuff blinked as Chatot woke him up, then looked around. “Everyone!” The whole guild turned to Wigglytuff. “Everyone! We’re going after Grovyle!! RI-I-IGHT NOW!”

     “EH?!!” Chatot’s eyes popped out of his head.

     “There isn’t a moment to loose! But not everyone will go!” Wigglytuff looked around. “Diglett, Justin, Chimecho, Chatot, and I shall remain, to protect the guild! Everyone else shall go to Crystal Cave! With everyone going, we can’t miss anything!”

     “I am also certain that this is the precise choice.” Dusknoir seemed to be deep in thought. “Dreams are often accurate, so I believe Anna’s dream is true.” Anna shivered when she felt the Ghost-type’s gaze land on her. “We MUST have success! There is no room for failure.” Everyone felt a boost of confidence from Dusknoir’s encouragement.

     “Uurk...” Chatot groaned. “Very well...the Pokémon who were not named shall go to Crystal Cave, and refute or confirm these dr...rumors.” He almost said ‘dreams’.

     “I hope you’re right Anna.” Riley whispered to Anna as the members of the exploration party headed to go get their gear. “I trust you, but if we’re wrong, Chatot’ll have our hides.”

     “I’m sorry. I know.” She whispered back. “But I feel like this is right.” They reached their room. Riley slid his star onto his wrist and wrapped his scarf around his neck, securing it with a knot. Anna tied her scarf around her neck and clasped her bag to her waist.

     “Will you be okay?” Justin entered their room.

     “Yes.” Anna slid her star over her ear.

     “I don’t think we should take our bags.” Riley had dropped his bag onto the bed. “If we DO encounter Tiempo, we’ll be weighed down in a fight.”

     “...Okay.” She unclipped her bag and put it down. “Elixir?” She offered him the energy drink.

     “Thanks.” He uncorked the bottle.

     “Just be careful.” Justin watched the two older members of the team prepare for their mission.

     “It’s too bad you can’t come.” Anna said, but Justin shook his head.

     “I...I’ll just weigh you down. Because I’m too weak. And I’m injured.” The moonlight coming in through the window made him look older than he actually was.

     “Don’t worry.” Riley rubbed Justin’s head. “Tomorrow, we’ll go to Marowak Dojo and do some training. Okay?” The Eevee looked happier.


     “Let’s go.” The team filled out into the hallway and joined the other members of the guild.

     “For everyone.” Chimecho was passing out warm drinks and Elixers. “Be safe.” She whispered to Croagunk, who nodded.

     “Meh-heh. Don’t you worry.”

     “Ahem!” Chatot flapped his wings for attention. “The great Dusknoir has volunteered to lead this expedition in the place of the Guildmaster and I, as he is aware of the location of Crystal Cave.”

     “Hey! Hey! It’ll be an honor!!” Corphish seemed hyped up from the calories of the Elixir.

     “Onward then!” Dugtrio was wearing a bow that looked like an Exclusive Item.

     “Watch out for trouble Dad.” Diglett bumped against Dugtrio affectionately.

     “I always do, son.”

     “Let’s do our best.” Anna said.

     “Let’s do our best.” Riley nodded in agreement as their group headed off into the cold October night.

At first, I wanted to send the team to Crystal Cave immediately after the Underground Lake, but I thought "Tiempo needs time to travel" (HA! Tiempo (Time) needs time to travel (like time-travel)!) and "I don't want to send Justin in, he'll just get whacked around." So...I added this mission. I'm beginning to love writting dreams. They're so much fun. <3 Especially when you're in someone else's dream.
So they go onto Crystal Cave! What will happen?!

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